31-летний житель Воронежа может угодить за решетку на 5 лет по статье «Незаконное хранение оружия». Мужчина был задержан полицией, так как в его квартире на ул. Ипподромной нашли самодельный пистолет и охотничий патрон. Задержанный сообщил, что оружие было найдено им в парке еще несколько лет назад.
This news article reports that a 31-year-old man from Voronezh, Russia, may face up to 5 years in prison for illegally possessing a homemade pistol and a hunting cartridge found in his apartment. He claims to have found the weapon in a park several years ago.
The key concept is the legal consequences of illegally possessing a firearm, even if found, and how past criminal history (in this case, a prior conviction for robbery) can exacerbate the sentencing.
This news article reports that a 31-year-old man from Voronezh, Russia, may face up to 5 years in prison for illegally possessing a homemade pistol and a hunting cartridge found in his apartment. He claims to have found the weapon in a park several years ago. The key concept is the legal consequences of illegally possessing a firearm, even if found, and how past criminal history (in this case, a prior conviction for robbery) can exacerbate the sentencing.